08 April 2011

Stations of the Cross

Anyone out there use the stations while meditating on Christ's suffering and death? Here's a Lutheran pastor's suggestions for how to evangelically approach a practice strongly associated with Roman Catholic piety:

Ask the Pastor: Stations of the Cross

We will be attending the Tenebrae evening service, but not our church's 1pm "Service of Readings." I think it would be really cool to place these around our living room and have the kids identify the appropriate station as Dad reads the Good Friday account that afternoon.


  1. Some resources I used when my son was small suggested the following: Set up a festival table with art postcards for Holy Week. Palm Sunday--entry into Jerusalem, Mon--cleansing of the temple, Tues--debates in the temple (Lk 21), Wed--Betrayal/Mary anointing Jesus, Thurs--Washing of the feet/Last Supper, Good Fri--Passion/Bearing of the Cross, Sat--Christ in the Realm of the Dead.
    You could place an empty bowl on the table during lent (fill it on Easter), palms for Palm Sunday, wash basin and towel Thurs. Grow parsley for Passover, sow grass seeds to grow by Easter, make a cave and stone with clay.
    For Easter you can prepare the table with a red cloth, blooming branches, eggs in the bowl that was empty, a tree branch with 40 blown eggs.

  2. Those are great suggestions! What resources were they, if you remember? Did they come with art postcards? I really like the bowl idea, too.
