01 December 2011

Ember Days and fasting

Ever pregnant and/or nursing, I don't do a whole lot of fasting in this season of my life.  However, I don't want my children to grow up thinking fasting with prayer is strange--something either the Roman Catholics or Pentecostals do.  Moms (or dads), what are your experiences with and philosophies about giving your children a healthy view of fasting?

This question hit me as we approach Ember Days and because of a close relative's misplaced IHOP "piety."


  1. I have been asking this very same question. I really hope you find some answers and can pass them along!

  2. In our house, Dad keeps a strict fast (the no-meat, 1.5-meal-a-day variety), and I work to adjust my meal planning around it (lentils! yay!). The children know that Dad is fasting and why. But the children and I don't really fast; we abstain: no treats, no snacks, no party-driven eating. I also try to make sure they understand why we don't fast like Dad, but that someday, when they're bigger, they might want to. We are a whole lot more focused during Lent than Advent, but there it is.

  3. We do a no-meat, no sweets fast on Ember days, but we still do a normal amount of meals and snacks.

  4. Ditto what Gauntlets said. Our oldest (almost 9) is confirmed and she keeps the fast before morning Divine Services year round.

  5. Thanks, ladies. Gauntlets, the abstain and fast distinction helps. For a few years in our house Wednesdays and Fridays were meat-free, but we fell out of that habit, except during Lent. Rebekah, fasting before DS would be a great way to introduce fasting to a child. Our church confirms later, though. (But there are rumors that that may change as our pastors' oldest is reaching her 7th year...)
