28 June 2012

Print Resource

I don't recommend buying this ("All based on traditional [Roman] Catholic teachings...").  However, it is very close to what I would like to print for my own use, except, you know, not Lutheran.  

Any other print resources you've stumbled across?  Here is a list of print resources I posted when I started this blog.  Looking back, the ones I turn to the most are both of Joanne Bogle's books, A Book of Feasts and Seasons and A Yearbook of Feasts and Celebrations, Burton's A  Feast Day Cookbook, and Bitz's A Continual Feast.

Happy St. Cyril of Alexander's Day, by the way!  We are going to have an Egyptian dinner tonight (flat bread, lamb gumbo, cucumber sauce), talk a bit about Greek names and words with Theo in them: Theotokos (Mother of God), Theophilus (friend of God), Theodora/Theodotus (gift of God), theology, etc., and Christ's divinity.

His biography from the Treasury of Daily Prayer: 
Cyril (ca. A.D. 376-444) became archbishop of Alexandria, Egypt, in 412. Throughout his career hedefended a number of orthodox doctrines, among them the teaching that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is"rightly called and truly is the Mother of God"--Theotokos, "the God-bearer" (Formula of Concord, VIII,Ep VIII, 12). In 431 the Council of Ephesus affirmed this teaching that the Son of Mary is also true God.The writings of Cyril on the doctrines of the Trinity and the person of Christ reveal him to be one of the most able theologians of his time. Cyril's Christology influenced subsequent church councils and was a primary source for Lutheran confessional writings.

Addendum: My kids wandered downstairs as I was about to post this.  I said "Do you know what day it is today?" ("Thursday!" "Garbage Day!").  "Yes, but it is also St. Cyril's Day."  "OHHH!! That means we get CEREAL FOR BREAKFAST."  (We never have cereal for breakfast and don't have any in the house, but there's another idea, if cereal is a special treat in your house.)

Tomorrow is St. Irenaeus of Lyons' commemoration.  Look for something later today on him.


  1. Print it and they will come :) I need that kind of resource. I realize I could go through the LSB and transfer info to a calendar/planner - but our families' birthdays don't even make it onto our calendar anymore.

  2. Lisa, I don't know how people do it who celebrate church year stuff, birthdays, name days, AND baptism days. Birthdays are overwhelming to me, and we just do small family parties. Thankfully, my kids birthdays are spread evenly throughout the year :)
